How to Do Audience Research to Gain Insights Into Your Target Audience | Marketing Research Tips

How to Do Audience Research to Gain Insights Into Your Target Audience | Marketing Research Tips


When you’re setting out to create a new marketing campaign, website, or any other promotional materials one of the most important things you can do is audience research. In the old days, this was accomplished by compiling expensive focus groups and making a best-educated guess as to what the consumer ultimately wants.

Luckily, the internet has opened up a myriad of ways for us to gain valuable insights into our target audience without spending tons of money or even having to have an existing audience.

Still, many people are not taking advantage of the free tools that when used properly can help you get that edge for your marketing to create a more compelling message that drives the desired action you’re looking for.

Here are two of our favorite “ninja” ways to research a target audience and really learn about their online behaviors, challenges, desires, lifestyle, and even the way they speak about your industry.


Facebook Audience Insights Tool


Audience insights is a great tool that Facebook offers to advertisers that utilize the platform. However, the good news is that you do not need to spend money on Facebook Ads to utilize this tool. All you need to do is set up a Facebook Ad account (which is free to set up) if you don’t already have one.

Audience Insights is great because it allows you to find out some really valuable information about the audience that you’re looking to reach. You can learn about things like:

  • Basic demographics like age, location, and gender
  • Lifestyle information like relationship status, job roles, and education level
  • Audience interests like publications, influencers, brands, etc
  • Online behavior including the devices that your audience use

All you have to do is open up the Audience Insights tool, then start adding interests, job roles, and any other information that you already have on your target audience. Then Facebook Audience Insights will show you valuable data gathered from Facebook users.

Be sure to watch the video above to learn how to use the tool and see some examples.


Review Sites (Amazon, Yelp, etc)


Another great way to learn about your target audience is by looking at online review sites like Yelp and Amazon.

You can look at not only your own reviews but also the reviews of competitors or other products/services that your target audience may use. By spending time reading reviews left by your target audience you will gain a lot of valuable insight into what their challenges, pain points, desires, and frustrations are.

The other really great thing about reading review sites is that you begin to learn the language of your audience. 

As marketers and business owners, we can sometimes fall into the trap of creating our own “sexy” language of what we think our audience wants to hear. We use phrases like “innovation” or “technologically advanced”.

However, as humans, we resonate stronger with people (or brands) that look and sound just like us. As you are looking through reviews on your products or related products, be sure to pay attention and take note of the phrases that people are using to describe their challenges or the benefits they are seeking. These will be powerful for you to keep in mind when writing copy for ads or marketing materials.



Audience research can actually be a lot of fun when you start to get real data and information that will help inspire new ideas for content, advertising, and even product development. Take advantage of these tools and let us know how it works out for you!


What Is The Right Video Length For Video Marketing, Advertising, and Branding?

What Is The Right Video Length For Video Marketing, Advertising, and Branding?


When we are talking to brands about how they can leverage video, we are frequently asked:

“How long does the video need to be?”

And it makes sense that this would be one of the first questions that come up. There is no shortage of online blogs, articles, and courses that talk about video marketing pushing broad blanket statements about how the video “has to be short” or “no longer than 1 minute”.

Why video length isn’t the place to start

While I’m not arguing that videos shouldn’t be short, the video length is usually not the correct place to start when planning a video or campaign.

There are a number of factors that are much more important to determine before thinking about how long the video should be.

Some of these factors are:

  1. What is the target outcome of the video or campaign?
  2. Who is the target audience? What matters most to them?
  3. Where is your audience in the customer journey?
  4. What is the key message?
  5. What platform will the video live on?


Now that we’ve decided on a strategy, how long should the video be?

Despite what you might read from the “video marketing gurus” there are no hard rules or magic formula’s here.

However, our rule when it comes to creating videos is this:


As long as it needs to be to achieve the target outcome, but absolutely no longer.


This means that yes it is important to be looking at how you can cut the video down. But this must be done without sacrificing valuable information or story development that will help maintain audience engagement and drive action.

Of course, each platform will have its limitations. For example, you might be running a 6-second YouTube pre-roll ad or 30-second television spot. But beyond that, we recommend focusing more on telling a great story. Then you will have more room to maintain audience attention.

The quality of the video and storytelling is more important than the length

This is why we can’t stand watching even a 15-second advertisement that’s aggressively pushing a product but we will pay to watch a 2-hour movie.

Again, the quality of the story is what matters most.

I hope you found this helpful. Feel free to share with a friend and let us know what you thought in the comments!

How to Create Personalized Advertising and Marketing | Audience Segmentation

How to Create Personalized Advertising and Marketing | Audience Segmentation

In less than 5 minutes, I explain how you can segment your audiences and create targeted messaging to get the most advertising and marketing results.

If you’ve done any advertising on social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, or LinkedIn you know how powerful these ad platforms can be for delivering your messages directly to your target audience.

With traditional advertising (like TV, Print, and Radio) you have very limited options when it comes to who you can target with your ads. Usually, this is based on location, age, and a few other options.

Still, there’s no guarantee that the people you are reaching are in your target audience.


Online advertising brings powerful targeting capabilities


Now, with current social media platforms, it seems that the options are limitless. You can target based on simple demographic choices such as age, location, and gender.

But there are even more powerful (and precise) ways of targeting. You can also choose your audience based on interests, job roles, income ranges, lifestyle habits, and a number of other options.

This means that your marketing and advertising budget will be maximized and not wasted since you are only serving your message to the people who would benefit and likely be interested in what you offer.

But it doesn’t stop there.


Get more results by segmenting your audience and creating personalized content


Now that we know you can choose exactly who to target your ads to, it’s time to get more creative about the ads that you are showing.

Gone are the days of creating one video or one marketing message and blasting that out to all of your potential customers or potential clients.

Instead, what you should be doing is segmenting your potential clients and customers into different groups and creating very personalized creative messages to each group that will resonate with them much more strongly.

The best way to explain this is by giving you examples.


B2B Example


So let’s say you’re a B2B business, so you’re trying to reach other business owners. Maybe you’re a SAAS, or insurance agencey, or similar.

I would think about who are your top two to three industries or types of businesses that you tend to focus on and create specific messages for each industry.

So for example, let’s say maybe you serve three industries: Healthcare, Construction, and Financial Services.

Instead of creating one blanket message and blasting that out to all
of these industries and hoping that it drives results, what I would do is create three separate messages. These could be ads, these could be pieces of content, blog posts, videos, etc, and I would make sure that they’re catered to these industries.

Then as we spoke earlier about the power of targeting on these modern advertising platforms. You would make sure that you’re serving your healthcare focused ad directly to the health care industry, construction directly to the construction industry, and finances.

This strategy even works with cold emailing. Check out our post on using personalized video to improve your cold email response rates.


B2C Example


But this obviously it doesn’t just apply to B2B. This also applies to B2C if you’re selling directly to consumers.

Let’s say you’re a lifestyle brand. Perhaps you sell a fitness product or health supplement.

So maybe you start with these three segments: Moms, Fitness Enthusiasts, and Working Professionals.

Again, you would create three different creative pieces of content and target each audience segment respectively.

Make sure that these messages are very tailored. So the one for moms might be a video featuring a mom using your product or using your supplement.

Now when you think about it and you combine the power of creating very personalized messages, segmenting your audiences, and serving those to those segments directly, you’re going to get a lot more results out of your marketing because it’s very personalized.

I hope you found this tip helpful. I hope more importantly that you actually take it, implement it, test it, see how it works for your business.

If you found this useful, share it with someone else who might find this helpful for their business.